Nutrition Services


Free 30 Minute Consultation

Tired of not feeling yourself and not having the answers as to why? Or maybe you are just unsure of what you need when it comes to nutrition and your health! Schedule a free 30 minute phone consultation with Meghan to help you determine what your next steps are in your health and wellness journey! 

Meghan will talk with you to gain a little background of what you are looking for, what your current issues are and what goals you would like to achieve. From there she will work with you to figure out the plan of action and make recommendations on your next steps regarding the different services and packages Meghan offers. The goal is to help you achieve optimal health in a way that works for you and your lifestyle!

General Health & Nutrition

Are you struggling with fatigue, weight loss/gain, disturbed sleep, foggy brain, feeling sluggish, inconsistent or atypical bowel movements, or just not thriving like you want? Or maybe you just want to incorporate healthier nutrition habits and are unsure how to do so. A personalized approach to nutrition can help you in reaching optimal health. Every person is unique and has a different genetic make up with different everyday exposures and stressors, all of which influence our nutritional needs and the body’s response to foods. This is where I come in and bring you a personalized, holistic approach to your health and well-being. Book an appointment today to take the next step in your journey for better health.

Nutrition & Digestive Health

The gut holds a lot of power when it comes to our health and well-being and many medical conditions that manifest symptoms outside of the GI tract can be linked to the health of the digestive tract. Common conditions known to be associated with gut health include:

  • IBS, SIBO, Candida issues (SIFO/small intestinal fungal overgrowth), food intolerances/allergies/sensitivities), skin issues (rosacea, acne, rashes), fatigue, anxiety, depression, autoimmune conditions, Crohn's Disease, Celiac Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, structural GI issues (hiatal hernia, ileocecal valve)

Disease starts with inflammation and 70-80% of your immune system lies in your gut. Your gut microbiome is unique to you and your overall well-being is heavily influenced by your microbiome. An imbalance of gut bacteria (dysbiosis), inflammation and any breakdown in the lining of the gut (gut permeability) can negatively impact your health and well-being, such as leading to immune dysregulation, nutrient deficiency and cellular toxicities. Most people are at risk of dysbiosis as it is typically the result of:

  • A dietary change that increases your intake of protein, sugar, or food additives

  • Accidental chemical consumption, such as lingering pesticides on unwashed fruit

  • Drinking 2 or more alcoholic beverages per day

  • New medications, such as antibiotics, that affect your gut flora

  • Poor dental hygiene, which allows bacteria to grow out of balance in your mouth

  • High levels of stress or anxiety, which can weaken your immune system

  • Unprotected sex, which can expose you to harmful bacteria

Whether you have been diagnosed with any of the gut health conditions above or have experienced any of the risk factors leading to possible dysbiosis, a personalized nutrition plan can help in achieving optimal gut health. Learning how to achieve and maintain a balanced gut microbiome can help you thrive and feel your best. This is where I come in and bring you a personalized, holistic approach to your health and well-being by balancing the microbiome and identifying any food intolerances, sensitivities and allergens. Book an appointment today to take the next step in your journey for better health.

Autoimmune Conditions

Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakes the body’s own healthy tissue for foreign cells. Conditions can be specific to one organ or affect the whole entire body and they can manifest in many different ways, including skin rashes, joint pain, hair loss, gastrointestinal issues and many more. Some common conditions include:

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Type 1 diabetes

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

  • Lupus

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Sjogren's

  • Celiac disease

  • Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • Crohn's disease

  • Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Top known triggers for autoimmune conditions include stress, inflammation and diet. There's a genetic component as well, however environmental and lifestyle factors can exacerbate symptoms. Food and lifestyle factors can have a profound effect on management and progression of diseases and nutrition is one of the best ways to help reduce flare ups and protect the body. This is where I come in and bring you a personalized, holistic approach to help you manage and slow progression, and improve your health and well-being. Book an appointment today to take the next step in your journey for better health.

Nutrition and Mental Health

The brain accounts for 25% of our metabolic demands and essential vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids are all vital to a healthy brain. Currently, approximately 1 in 4 adult Americans have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder and more than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder. While there are genetic components linked to various mental health disorders, they can also be greatly influenced by inflammation. Inflammation that is sustained beyond what is needed for temporary repair of bodily tissues and shifts to a chronic state can negatively impact the brain and nervous system, resulting in disorders. Some of these disorders include and are not limited to:

  • Eating disorders

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • ADHD & ADD

  • Autism

  • Schizophrenia

  • Bipolar Disorder

Diet is one of the major epigenetic influences on inflammation. Several dietary components that can fuel or cool inflammatory processes have been recognized. Our digestion is one of the functions of the body which exercises the greatest influence on the mental state of the individual. Modifying the diet, administering beneficial microbes, correcting dysbiosis, and ridding the body of toxins can help fuel our brain and give it a chance to thrive. Oxidative stress (an imbalance between unstable, potentially damaging molecules and antioxidants in the body) has also been associated with mental disorders. Looking at food sources, lifestyle factors, and laboratory markers can help in the evaluation of oxidative stress. This is where I come in and bring you a personalized, holistic approach to your health and well-being. Book an appointment today to take the next step in your journey for better health. 


What to Expect During My Services

An in-depth 90 minute initial consult that looks at your:

  • Background

  • Medical history

  • Oral history

  • Family history

  • Recent lab data

  • Social and environmental history

  • Current nutrition

  • Goals and concerns

  • Current medications & supplements

  • Lifestyle factors  

A map of the next steps to take, which may suggest/include:

  • Further laboratory testing

  • Dietary changes

  • Recipe ideas

  • Supplements 

  • Lifestyle recommendations

Recommendations for follow-up based on your plan