Foundational Journey’s Philosophy


At Foundational Journey, we believe that a person is much more complex than a standardized lab test and lab value. Signs and symptoms manifest differently for different people and normal ranges may not be “normal” for everyone. Our approach is to look at the person as a whole, diving deeper into the various factors that weave and make up one’s wellbeing, our environment as one of the many examples. People are complex and their health and well-being is influenced by so many things.

We understand doctors not believing you or thinking it is in your head. It can be very frustrating not having the answers or having additional steps taken to figure out the answers. We want to help you understand why you are feeling like this. Our approach is to find the root cause instead of putting a band aid over a gaping wound. Some of the biggest conditions can be treated with dietary changes instead of pills. We do this by diving further into your nutrition rather than focusing on surface level symptoms. This is your personalized nutrition plan that is geared towards your life, your goals and your journey.

We are here to help you feel better and provide you with answers. We offer you a non-judgmental, welcoming atmosphere. Everybody's genetic makeup is unique so the needs for each person is different. We are here for you in each step of your journey and to help you thrive! Let’s take the next steps together!